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Alfalfa Seeds


Key Features:

  • Maintains hormonal balance during menstruation and menopause.
  • Ease indigestion and Improves cardiac health.
  • Prevent osteoporosis and painful symptoms.
  • Cures diabetes by controlling blood glucose and reducing the risk of breast cancer.
  • Alfalfa Seed contains Vitamin A helps in strengthening the immune system, fighting infections, and staying healthy.
  • Vitamin B complex present in seeds prevents anemia that makes you weak and prone to various diseases. This vitamin is a must for our psychological well-being.
  • Seeds contain Vitamin D, D2, and D3 which regulate the calcium level in the body and are important supplements because the body itself does not produce this vitamin.
  • Vitamin C helps in repairing tissues while vitamin K is essential for wound healing.
  • Antioxidants like Vitamin E reverse the action of free radicals to slow down the aging process.
  • Protein is vital for tissue repair and strengthening bones and muscles besides producing hormones/enzymes/chemicals.
  • Calcium plays critical functions in our body such as muscle contraction, blood clotting, etc.